Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Counted lists have a length represented by a Peano number encoded in their types which permit compile-time bounds checking.

The members of Conic lists, meanwhile, do not need to be all of the same type. The type of each list member is encoded in the list's type signature.


Counted Lists

data Counted (n :: Type) (a :: Type) Source #

A Counted list encodes its length as a type parameter.


forall t.n ~ S t => a ::: (Counted t a) infixr 5

Prepend an item.

n ~ Z => CountedNil

Construct an empty list.


Instances details
ReifyNatural n => Applicative (Counted n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists


pure :: a -> Counted n a Source #

(<*>) :: Counted n (a -> b) -> Counted n a -> Counted n b Source #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Counted n a -> Counted n b -> Counted n c Source #

(*>) :: Counted n a -> Counted n b -> Counted n b Source #

(<*) :: Counted n a -> Counted n b -> Counted n a Source #

Functor (Counted n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Counted n a -> Counted n b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Counted n b -> Counted n a Source #

Show x => Show (Counted n x) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists


showsPrec :: Int -> Counted n x -> ShowS Source #

show :: Counted n x -> String Source #

showList :: [Counted n x] -> ShowS Source #

Eq a => Eq (Counted n a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists


(==) :: Counted n a -> Counted n a -> Bool Source #

(/=) :: Counted n a -> Counted n a -> Bool Source #

count :: Counted n a -> Natural n Source #

Compute the length of a Counted in terms of a Natural.

unCount :: Counted n a -> [a] Source #

Counted utilities

replicate :: Natural n -> x -> Counted n x Source #

append :: Counted n a -> Counted m a -> Counted (m + n) a Source #

nth :: n < m => Natural n -> Counted m a -> a Source #

padTo :: m <= n => Natural n -> x -> Counted m x -> Counted ((n - m) + m) x Source #

Pad the length of a list to a given length. If the number specified is less than the length of the list given, it won't pass the type checker. [^1]

zip :: Counted n a -> Counted n b -> Counted n (a, b) Source #

Conic Lists

data Conic f ts Source #

Conic lists are lists where each element is an f a for some a, but the a may be different for each element. Types of elements are kept track of in the type list.


forall rest a.ts ~ (a :-: rest) => (f a) :-: (Conic f rest) infixr 5 
ts ~ Nil => ConicNil 

data (x :: k1) :-: (y :: k2) infixr 5 Source #


Instances details
Tackable a xs => Tackable (a :: k) (x :-: xs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists

Associated Types

type Tack a (x :-: xs) Source #


tack :: f a -> Conic f (x :-: xs) -> Conic f (Tack a (x :-: xs)) Source #

HasLength (x :-: xs :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists

Associated Types

type Length (x :-: xs) Source #

CombineRefLists Nil (b :-: bs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet


(&) :: RefList Nil -> RefList (b :-: bs) -> RefList (Nil & (b :-: bs)) Source #

Go ('Relative :-: Nil) (Nested (F Tape)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet


go :: forall (a :: k). RefList ('Relative :-: Nil) -> Nested (F Tape) a -> Nested (F Tape) a Source #

(Go rs (Nested ts), Functor (Nested ts)) => Go ('Relative :-: rs) (Nested (N ts Tape) :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet


go :: forall (a :: k). RefList ('Relative :-: rs) -> Nested (N ts Tape) a -> Nested (N ts Tape) a Source #

CombineRefLists (a :-: as) Nil Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet


(&) :: RefList (a :-: as) -> RefList Nil -> RefList ((a :-: as) & Nil) Source #

Take ('Relative :-: Nil) (Nested (F Tape)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet

Associated Types

type ListFrom (Nested (F Tape)) a Source #


take :: RefList ('Relative :-: Nil) -> Nested (F Tape) a -> ListFrom (Nested (F Tape)) a Source #

(Functor (Nested ts), Take rs (Nested ts)) => Take ('Relative :-: rs) (Nested (N ts Tape)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet

Associated Types

type ListFrom (Nested (N ts Tape)) a Source #


take :: RefList ('Relative :-: rs) -> Nested (N ts Tape) a -> ListFrom (Nested (N ts Tape)) a Source #

View ('Relative :-: Nil) (Nested (F Tape)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet

Associated Types

type StreamFrom (Nested (F Tape)) a Source #

(Functor (Nested ts), View rs (Nested ts)) => View ('Relative :-: rs) (Nested (N ts Tape)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet

Associated Types

type StreamFrom (Nested (N ts Tape)) a Source #


view :: RefList ('Relative :-: rs) -> Nested (N ts Tape) a -> StreamFrom (Nested (N ts Tape)) a Source #

(CombineRefTypes a b, CombineRefLists as bs) => CombineRefLists (a :-: as) (b :-: bs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet


(&) :: RefList (a :-: as) -> RefList (b :-: bs) -> RefList ((a :-: as) & (b :-: bs)) Source #

type Tack (a :: k) (x :-: xs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists

type Tack (a :: k) (x :-: xs) = x :-: Tack a xs
type Length (x :-: xs :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists

type Length (x :-: xs :: Type) = S (Length xs)

data Nil Source #


Instances details
HasLength Nil Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists

Associated Types

type Length Nil Source #

CombineRefLists Nil Nil Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet


(&) :: RefList Nil -> RefList Nil -> RefList (Nil & Nil) Source #

Tackable (a :: k) Nil Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists

Associated Types

type Tack a Nil Source #


tack :: f a -> Conic f Nil -> Conic f (Tack a Nil) Source #

Go Nil (Nested ts :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet


go :: forall (a :: k). RefList Nil -> Nested ts a -> Nested ts a Source #

(Take Nil (Nested ts), Functor (Nested ts)) => Take Nil (Nested (N ts Tape)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet

Associated Types

type ListFrom (Nested (N ts Tape)) a Source #


take :: RefList Nil -> Nested (N ts Tape) a -> ListFrom (Nested (N ts Tape)) a Source #

View Nil (Nested (F Tape)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet

Associated Types

type StreamFrom (Nested (F Tape)) a Source #


view :: RefList Nil -> Nested (F Tape) a -> StreamFrom (Nested (F Tape)) a Source #

(View Nil (Nested ts), Functor (Nested ts)) => View Nil (Nested (N ts Tape)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet

Associated Types

type StreamFrom (Nested (N ts Tape)) a Source #


view :: RefList Nil -> Nested (N ts Tape) a -> StreamFrom (Nested (N ts Tape)) a Source #

CombineRefLists Nil (b :-: bs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet


(&) :: RefList Nil -> RefList (b :-: bs) -> RefList (Nil & (b :-: bs)) Source #

Go ('Relative :-: Nil) (Nested (F Tape)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet


go :: forall (a :: k). RefList ('Relative :-: Nil) -> Nested (F Tape) a -> Nested (F Tape) a Source #

CombineRefLists (a :-: as) Nil Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet


(&) :: RefList (a :-: as) -> RefList Nil -> RefList ((a :-: as) & Nil) Source #

Take ('Relative :-: Nil) (Nested (F Tape)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet

Associated Types

type ListFrom (Nested (F Tape)) a Source #


take :: RefList ('Relative :-: Nil) -> Nested (F Tape) a -> ListFrom (Nested (F Tape)) a Source #

View ('Relative :-: Nil) (Nested (F Tape)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sheet

Associated Types

type StreamFrom (Nested (F Tape)) a Source #

type Length Nil Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists

type Length Nil = Z
type Tack (a :: k) Nil Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists

type Tack (a :: k) Nil = a :-: Nil

Type-level conic manipulation

class ReifyNatural n => Replicable n (x :: k) Source #

Associated Types

type Replicate n x :: Type Source #


Instances details
Replicable Z (x :: k) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists

Associated Types

type Replicate Z x Source #

Replicable n x => Replicable (S n) (x :: k) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists

Associated Types

type Replicate (S n) x Source #

class Tackable (x :: k) (xs :: Type) where Source #

A Conic supports "tacking" a value onto its head.

Associated Types

type Tack x xs :: Type Source #


tack :: f x -> Conic f xs -> Conic f (Tack x xs) Source #


Instances details
Tackable (a :: k) Nil Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists

Associated Types

type Tack a Nil Source #


tack :: f a -> Conic f Nil -> Conic f (Tack a Nil) Source #

Tackable a xs => Tackable (a :: k) (x :-: xs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists

Associated Types

type Tack a (x :-: xs) Source #


tack :: f a -> Conic f (x :-: xs) -> Conic f (Tack a (x :-: xs)) Source #

class HasLength (ts :: k) Source #

A Conic length may be computed at the type level.

Associated Types

type Length ts :: Type Source #


Instances details
HasLength Nil Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists

Associated Types

type Length Nil Source #

HasLength (x :-: xs :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lists

Associated Types

type Length (x :-: xs) Source #


heterogenize :: (a -> f t) -> Counted n a -> Conic f (Replicate n t) Source #

Turned a Counted list into a Conic list by means of some function from a to (f t).

homogenize :: (forall t. f t -> a) -> Conic f ts -> Counted (Length ts) a Source #

Given a function to collapse any (f t), turn a Conic list into a Counted list.